Zen AI Blog

Streamlining Training Feedback with No-Code AI Workflow Automation

Written by Kyrill Schmid | May 27, 2024 1:52:46 PM


Have you ever completed a training session and wondered what your participants actually thought? Gathering honest and constructive feedback after a training session can be quite challenging. Often, the feedback provided can be skewed due to various factors such as group dynamics or time constraints. This is where Zen AI custom assistants step in, allowing you to streamline the feedback process and ensure you receive detailed and accurate input from all participants. In this blog post, we will explore how Zen AI can revolutionize the way feedback is collected after training sessions. Leveraging Zen AI for feedback collection not only enhances the accuracy of the feedback but also showcases the power of AI for business applications using enterprise-ready no-code AI workflow automation.

Challenges in Traditional Feedback Collection

Imagine you've just wrapped up a training session with several participants. Naturally, you want to know how effective your session was and where you might improve. There are different methods to gather this feedback, but each comes with its own set of challenges. Providing a feedback form is one option. Another is asking for feedback as a group immediately after the session, or perhaps you prefer to conduct one-on-one interviews. However, each of these methods has its drawbacks.

When you ask for feedback in a group setting, participants are often more inclined to provide positive responses. They might not feel comfortable sharing their true thoughts in front of others, resulting in feedback that is not entirely honest or helpful. On the other hand, collecting feedback individually can be extremely time-consuming. This is where Zen AI comes into play.

Leveraging No-Code AI for Feedback Collection

Using Zen AI, you can design a custom no-code AI assistant specifically for conducting post-training interviews. Here's how it works: first, you define and create your custom assistant within the Zen AI platform. Once your assistant is ready, you can distribute it to all the participants of your training session. This is where the magic happens.

The Zen AI assistant will conduct individual interviews with each participant, ensuring that the conversation is tailored to explore specific details. It can dive into areas that are particularly relevant to each participant, guided by your predefined parameters. This personalized approach means you're likely to receive more honest and comprehensive feedback.

Moreover, after the AI assistant conducts the interviews, it can compile the feedback into a summary. Participants still have the opportunity to review and edit the summary, making any necessary changes before sharing it with you. This dual-layered approach—facilitated by the AI and reviewed by the participant—ensures that the feedback you receive is both thorough and genuine.

Zen AI offers a smart, efficient solution to collecting valuable feedback with minimal effort on your part. By automating the initial interview process and allowing participants to fine-tune their responses, you save time while gaining richer insights.

Creating a Custom Interview AI Assistant with Zen AI

In the previous section, we discussed the benefits of using Zen AI to gather detailed and honest feedback from your training participants. Now, let's dive into the process of creating a custom assistant within Zen AI, designed specifically for conducting post-training interviews. By the end of this section, you'll have a clear understanding of how to set up your own interview assistant.

Imagine you are within the Zen AI application. For this example, I've already loaded a chat and the pre-created assistant. Now, let’s assume the role of a participant who has completed the training session and has been provided with this assistant to give feedback.

Upon initiating the assistant, the participant can simply click "Start Interview." The assistant begins by asking what initially motivated the participant to join the training. It's a straightforward process where the participant answers a series of questions designed to extract meaningful and detailed feedback.

For instance, a participant might encounter a series of questions such as:

  • What initially motivated you to participate in this training?
  • What aspects did you find most beneficial?
  • Were there any areas you felt needed improvement?

Once the participant has gone through a few questions, they can click the "Summarize" button. The assistant then compiles the responses into a cohesive summary. Furthermore, the participant has the option to review and edit this summary, adding or removing information as they see fit before sharing it with the trainer.

To share the feedback, the participant can simply copy the summary and send it via email or include it in a document. This process ensures that the participant's feedback is both personalized and comprehensive, while making it easy to share with the trainer.

Now let's shift focus to the creation of such an assistant. Creating the assistant starts by navigating to the assistant library within Zen AI. Here, you can create a new assistant by providing a name and description. Following that, you can define quick actions that the assistant will perform during the interview.

For example, the assistant I created is named "Feedback Interview." Here’s how it was designed:

  • Start Interview Button: This prompts the AI to begin the interview with the participant. The prompt might look something like this: "As an expert interviewer, you are conducting an interview with a participant who participated in the training described above. Aim to understand the real benefits for the participant and get detailed insights."
  • Summarize Button: This allows the assistant to compile the answers into a summarized format.

Furthermore, you can customize the buttons and questions based on your specific needs. Whether it's obtaining detailed insights or focusing on particular aspects of the training, the flexibility of Zen AI ensures that your feedback collection process is efficient and tailored to your requirements.

If you believe this use case could benefit your training sessions, feel free to get in touch. We're looking forward to helping you make the most of Zen AI to gather valuable feedback from your participants.