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Why Sharing Your AI Workflows is a Good Idea

Professionals are turning to artificial intelligence to enhance their daily operations. There are uncountable valuable applications for AI today in your workflows: Supporting requirements engineering work, creating backlogs, automating pull request reviews in your continuous integration (CI) pipeline, guiding coached interview sessions for compliance with regulations like the Cybersecurity Resilience Act or the Data Act, or transforming market research into targeted social media posts, ... the list goes on.

AI provides the tools to optimize your processes already today. But creating effective AI tools demands significant time and effort to fine-tune prompts and adapt to your particular workflows. Colleagues may not have the resources to do this themselves. Thus, sharing your insights and development efforts with peers is essential for driving innovation and fostering a collaborative environment. This sharing amplifies the benefits of your work and enriches the collective AI knowledge pool.

Join us as we explore the importance of sharing your AI innovations with your peers and colleagues. By creating a collaborative open-source ecosystem for AI tools, you foster a collaborative environment where users can benefit from each other's advancements and apply these solutions to their own workflows.

Creating AI Workflows to Streamline Your Tasks

Creating AI assistants to streamline workflows involves designing tools that can automate tasks, provide insights, and ensure consistency across various operations. These assistants can be customized to fit specific tasks, making them invaluable assets in enhancing productivity and efficiency.

Some example workflows that can be supported by AI assistants today include:

  • Checking a set of requirements for absence of conflicts and getting a perspective on their technical feasibility in a given context can greatly be streamlined by AI assistants. Creating an organized backlog containing appropriate epics separated by must-have and nice-to have, and stories including tasks, ACs, and estimates becomes a few clicks with a well-tuned assistant.

  • Compliance with evolving regulations is made easier with AI assistants designed to guide users through interview sessions and compliance checks. For example, an AI tool can help ensure that your processes align with standards set by the Cybersecurity Resilience Act or the Data Act. By highlighting gaps and suggesting remedial actions, such assistants simplify the complex task of staying compliant.

  • In PR communication, AI assistants can transform raw market research data into engaging social media content. An AI tool can automatically generate tailored posts for different target personas, ensuring your message reaches the right audience in a consistent and effective manner. This not only saves time but also enhances the impact of your marketing efforts.

  • Automating pull request reviews in a continuous integration (CI) pipeline is a common application of AI assistants. By developing an AI tool that scans code changes, flags potential issues, and ensures adherence to coding standards, you can significantly speed up the review process while maintaining high quality.

Creating these AI assistants involves identifying the tasks that can be automated or enhanced through AI, designing the appropriate prompts, and providing AI with relevant data to perform the tasks accurately. By customizing AI assistants to address specific workflow needs, we observe our users to create significant time savings, improve task accuracy, and ensure consistent performance across their operations.

Enable Your Team Beyond Chatting: Sharing Your AI Workflows and Apps

Creating AI assistants to help you with your work is cool, but AI transformation does not stop there: Collaboration and distribution can scale your value gains immensely. This is because creating useful assistant comes with costs: You need time and effort to understand how AI is best leveraged for a particular workflow, and to tune the prompts and workflow steps for the best possible results. Time that your colleagues may not currently be able to afford for building AI agents.

Therefore, sharing your AI learnings and apps with peers streamlines innovation and fosters a collaborative environment to transform your organization into the AI era. Sharing your results not only amplifies the benefits of your work but also contributes to a collective pool of AI knowledge that can be leveraged by others.

When you share your AI assistants, you create opportunities for others to build on your foundation. Your contributions can serve as stepping stones for further enhancements developed by your peers and colleagues, based on your work and exploration. This collaborative approach accelerates the pace of innovation in your organisation, as each team member can add to the existing body of knowledge, refining and expanding functionality of your AI assistants.

The feedback you receive from sharing your AI tools is also invaluable. Peers who use your applications can provide insights into what works well and what might need improvement. This continuous feedback loop helps in evolving the AI tools to be more effective and user-friendly. It also allows for the identification of edge cases and scenarios you might not have originally considered, ensuring a robust development process.

Moreover, by sharing development efforts, you contribute to an ecosystem of mutual learning. Engaging with the shared works of others exposes you to different problem-solving approaches and coding techniques. This exposure broadens your skill set and introduces you to new methodologies and best practices that can be applied to your projects.

Build Once, Run Everywhere: Sharing Your AI Workflows with Your Peers

Let's take the analogy of AI assistants to apps a bit further: Once you've created, refined, and of course shared your AI assistants, the next crucial step is to make them accessible to a wider audience. This involves both hosting your applications in a stable environment and distributing them effectively so others can benefit.

Hosting your AI assistants ensures they are always available for use and perform optimally. By deploying them in a secure, reliable, and trusted infrastructure, you can maintain their availability and manage performance without needing extensive technical oversight. Here, it's particularly important to choose a hosting solution that complies with your privacy requirements and other regulations.

Distributing your AI applications makes them available and discoberable to others, whether within your organization or the broader community. Sharing your AI tools allows others to find and leverage the solutions you’ve developed. For instance, a team can automate code reviews using your developed AI assistant, or use your new AI compliance tool to ensure regulatory standards are met for their processes.

Making your AI applications "open source" by sharing collections of AI prompts and workflows can significantly amplify their impact, as it allows others to immedately benefit for your exploration and development efforts. Open-source distribution promotes transparency and invites collaboration from others who can contribute to and enhance your work. This collaborative environment benefits everyone involved by integrating everyone's insights and expertise, making AI tools as versatile and robust as they can be.


We believe that consistently creating, sharing, hosting, and utilizing AI assistants shapes a future-proof connected, efficient, and innovative work environment. Each step in the process—developing customized AI tools, sharing your knowledge and solutions, hosting applications effectively, and exploring the innovations of others—contributes to a robust ecosystem of continuous improvement.

We'd love to join you on this journey, and to help you build your collaborative AI environment with Zen AI.

Reach out - they say we're nice people! :)

Jorrit, Fabian, Kyrill, and Lenz